Troop 78 Uniform
Scout Shirt: long sleeve, “cotton rich poplin” (not Supplex nylon) with green shoulder loops. Sleeves rolled up for summer.
Scout Pants: “canvas convertibles” (not nylon). Long pants for winter, convert to shorts for summer.
Scout Belt: web Scout belt with black buckle, or a leather Camp Horseshoe belt purchased at summer camp.
Scout Socks: long (knee) socks are required with the summer uniform. When wearing long pants, the BSA dark green crew sock, will be worn.
Troop Neckerchief and slide:
The troop provides a neckerchief and slide for all Scouts. A new Scout is issued a plain maroon neckerchief, and must earn the full neckerchief with patch (see instructions in the Troop Handbook). Leather “78” neckerchief slides are required. If a slide is lost, a $1 fee will be required for a replacement.
Boots: Troop uniform requires hiking boots, brown, tan, black or grey colors are acceptable, white is not permitted.
Uniform Insignia:
Left Sleeve: The troop will provide the red and white “Willistown” community strip and the red and white “78” for the left shoulder of your shirt sleeve.
It is to be sewn on so that the top edge touches the shoulder seam. Troop numeral is to be sewn two inches below seam.
Right Sleeve: The Troop will also provide the black and red patrol patches for your right shoulder.
It is to be sewn two inches below the shoulder seam.
Left Pocket: The embroidered badge of rank is to be centered on the left pocket.
Right Pocket: The Camp Horseshoe patch must be sewn on the right shirt pocket. Do not begin your Horseshoe patch below the pocket, but at the bottom. It can be sewn at the very bottom and still allow two rings of year and trail segments to be sewn around the outside.
Scout Hat:
Our official hat for summer camp is the Campaign style hat which is loaned to each Scout by the troop. The only other “troop hat” that can be worn with the uniform, is the optional maroon baseball style cap with the troop’s loon logo. The troop has some available for purchase.
No hat is used during the Scout year at regular Troop meetings and events.
A complete uniform with a pen in the shirt pocket is required at each meeting and points will be deducted for each missing uniform item.
Uniform Exchange:
Do you have any uniform parts or hiking boots which no longer fit?
Please consider donating them to the Troop Uniform Exchange.
Troop has a supply of used uniforms and boots which scouts grew out of over the years and have been donated to the exchange.
There are uniform tops and bottoms, and boots in various sizes.
Please feel free to check the supply if you are in need of something and please feel free to donate items you no longer need.
Scout Shop:
There is a Scout shop in the PARC center in Exton.
1 Scouting Way, Exton, PA 19341
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We are in Summer Uniform