Willistown Troop 78                                


Scouts, Parents, Relatives and Friends:

In addition to our sensational florist-grade poinsettias that folks have come to know and love, we also offer a line of Christmas Wreaths!   These are genuine, live-cut balsam fir wreaths and greens of juniper, pine and holly. 

We offer two sizes of wreaths: 18” and 28. 

All of which come either decorated or plain for those who like to decorate their own. 

Our customers shop online at our website store.  

You can see, shop, and order all of these great Christmas plant decorations at shop.tr78.org which is now open for business. 

Scouts: Please encourage your customers to go online and shop.

They should list you as their scout at checkout when they make their purchase, that way you are credited with the sale.

You will be responsible for the delivery.


Sunday November 17  Orders due for Early Delivery

Thursday November 21  Pick up at the cabin and deliver Early orders

Sunday December 1  Orders due for Regular Delivery SALE EXTENDED DUE TO HIGH DEMAND!

Thursday December 5  Pick-up at cabin and deliver Regular orders, 3PM - 6PM

For those of you who need more laminated picture cards and calling cards (those little business cards that you can give to everyone you greet and ask them to visit our website), you can pick them up at the cabin.  They should be sitting out on the table free for the taking (borrowing).   Don’t forget to put your name on the calling cards before you hand them out so people can give you the credit when they order online.


  • Get organized – make a list of people and businesses you know.
  • Schedule time to visit potential customers. 
  • Visit a few at a time or all at once, whatever works best for you and your parents if they have to drive you. 
  • Always take a buddy.  Do not travel or sell alone.
  • Wear your uniform or a troop jacket.  Everyone loves a scout in uniform and you are more likely to make the sale if you look “official”.
  • Canvas your neighborhood or one that is nearby (with a buddy).
  • Practice what you are going to say when you greet your customer, be courteous, and SMILE.
  • Hand out the business cards to everyone you greet. Make sure you write your name on the card.
  • Follow up with your customers with a friendly email or phone call thanking them for the order.   Often times this may lead to additional sales.

The top 3 sellers receive CASH prizes!!
Good Luck !


Poinsettia and Wreath Sale!

Online Fundraising

Boy Scouts of America