Please join us for Order of the Arrow (OA) service weekends at Camp Horseshoe

Just elected candidates:

To complete your induction into the OA you must attend an OA work weekend at Camp Horseshoe.  

There are three OA weekends each year.

You have one year from your election to go through the induction.

If you were just elected, you must register for the weekend at: 

Click here to register for the weekend.

Click here for the OA weekend info packet.

You must strictly follow the instructions in the info packet.

You must report to camp Friday night at 6PM. 

Check in at the Kindness Center.

You will spend Friday night with the other candidates, weather permitting, sleeping under the stars. 

You will stay Saturday night with all of us. Give your Saturday night duffel bag, sleeping bag and uniform to one of the OA members.

We will be finished and leaving camp around 9:00 AM Sunday.
You will need to follow the instructions on the candidate sign-up page (see link above) for what to bring for Friday night. 

For Saturday night, you should bring what you normally would for a weekend campout packed in a duffel bag, including a sleeping bag, pillow, and a complete change of clothes.  You must also have a full Class A scout uniform.
Meals are served out of the Horseshoe Dining Hall, so there is no need to worry about food.  The trading post will be open as well.
Please come prepared to work on projects to improve the camp and support those who were just tapped out.

Remember to bring your full Class A uniform and your OA sash.
You must register for the weekend at: 
Click here to register.
It is preferred you come for the entire weekend. 
If you cannot make the entire weekend, then please come for the work projects on Saturday and plan to stay through the Ceremony on Saturday night to support your fellow scouts who are being inducted.
If you are eligible for Brotherhood (you have been in the OA for at least 10 months): please consider taking your Brotherhood this weekend.

You must have a current medical form for the weekend. 
Click here for the health form:
We will not meet at the cabin and we will not be taking the bus.
Everyone gets themselves to camp.
Consider carpooling.
Other resources:
The website for the lodge is:
The website for Chester County Council is:
Any questions: 

Please email or call.

Kipp Happ

See you all there!


This organization was established in 1915, close by on Treasure Island Scout Camp in the Delaware River, as a way to recognize those who had, through their service to others, shown a dedication to the ideals of scouting.  

In Chester County, the Order of the Arrow (OA) is particularly strong and primarily functions as a service organization to help maintain Camp Horseshoe, which many of us feel is the jewel in the crown of scouting in Chester County.

Willistown Troop 78                                

Order of the Arrow